Restorative | Cosmetic Dental Services

“Restorative dentistry” is the   term dental professionals use to explain how they replace missing or damaged teeth. Fillings, crowns,  “caps” , bridges and implants are common restorative options. The goal is to bring back your natural smile and prevent future oral health issues.

Comprehensive/Restorative/Cosmetic services are available for patients who would like to improve the look of their smiles!

Comprehensive/Restorative/Cosmetic dental includes services that may be done for aesthetic purposes. For example, if you would like to change a broken, or discoloured tooth, or would just like to whiten your smile – we have a range of options depending on your desires


Dental Implants

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a dentist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.

Why would I want to replace a missing tooth?

Many people who are missing teeth experience difficulty chewing or speaking. It can also cause confidence issues. No matter what your reason, we will be happy to explain your options in detail.

An implant is also a more permanent option to replace your existing bridge or denture

What is the implant procedure like?

Dentists at Shadbaydental  will ensure that you are in a good state of oral health. Once that is confirmed,   the first step is  for your  dental implant to be  surgically placed. From there you require approximately 4 months healing time with a temporary tooth before a permanent tooth / CROWN  can be  made —- giving you the smile you desire.

Inlays & Onlays

What are Inlays and Onlays? 

Inlays and onlays are cosmetic options that fix broken, misshapen, chipped, asymmetrical or damaged teeth.

These treatment options are custom-made, and can match the original shape of your tooth. Inlays and onlays are usually virtually indistinguishable from natural enamel.

What is the difference between an Onlay and an Inlay?

  • Inlays: Fit just inside the bumps of a tooth, similar to a composite filling.
  • Onlays: Cover more surface area than inlays as they wrap over one or more edges of the tooth.

Inlays and/or onlays may be a viable aesthetic, functional dental option for your smile. Book a consultation to learn more.

Teeth Whitening

If you are looking to change the appearance of your teeth, whitening may be a cosmetic option for you to consider. There are many teeth whitening options at your local pharmacy, but you should first consult with your dentist before pursuing these.

Why professional teeth whitening?

With over-the-counter teeth whitening options available, you may not think about having your teeth whitened professionally. However, dentists have the training and access to materials that can help you achieve your dream smile.

At Home Teeth Whitening

The “at home” techniques involve your dentist making custom trays which fit into your mouth. These are then filled with bleaching materials.

When worn for a few hours a day, noticeable results are seen generally within a few days to a couple weeks. Results vary for each person and we will be happy to help you decide which method will work best for you.

Some of the factors involved include the intensity of the stains, whether or not you have fillings or crowns on your teeth and what may have caused the stains.


What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are available for patients looking to change the appearance of their teeth. They cover existing teeth to help you achieve your dream smile.

Qualities like colour, shape, size, or length of teeth can be easily fixed with dental veneers.

What materials are veneers made from?

Dental veneers are made from porcelain or resin composite materials. They are very thin shells that are custom-made to cover the front surface of the teeth. They are created in a lab and designed to match your tooth’s colour.

Root Canals

A root canal is a dental procedure used to fill in the hollow central chamber (or chambers) within a tooth. Root canal treatment is recommended when a tooth problem has extended to the very internal depth of a tooth.

Problems that sometimes make root canal treatment necessary include: deep tooth decay, badly broken teeth, infected teeth, badly worn teeth.

Patients who have teeth requiring root canal treatment are occasionally (but not always) in discomfort when they arrive. In the vast majority of cases, root canal treatment completely takes that pain away.

Usually teeth that have had root canal treatment require crowns afterward—-when there is enough tooth structure, composite / BONDED fillings are recommended.


Dentures are removable false teeth. They can be used to replace one or more missing teeth.

Complete dentures, which are used to replace all of the teeth in an arch, are usually made out of a very strong acrylic material.

Partial dentures, which are used to replace a smaller number of teeth, can be made out of a acrylic or acrylic with a metal framework.

If dentures are right for you, your dentist will review all of the available options.



  • Tooth Whitening
  • In-office bleaching trays with different levels of peroxide strength
  • One appointment porcelain computer-generated crowns and veneers (since 2001)CEREC / SIRONA
  • Orthodontics children / teens / adults
  • Early Interceptive Functional Orthodontics
  • Full Braces / Brackets
  • Endodontics / Root Canals
  • Most Extractions
  • Tooth Implants
  • Partial and Complete Dentures
  • Crowns and Dentures Supported by Tooth Implants
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry

We use modern techniques and materials to remove minimal amounts of tooth structure to preserve the integrity and strength of the tooth. It is important to keep and preserve as much tooth as possible so that there is enough tooth structure to work with as we get older.

  • Biocompatible Materials We use biocompatible materials where necessary and/or required by the patient.

Shad Bay Dental © 2024. All rights reserved.

3665 Prospect Road, Shad Bay, Nova Scotia